Friday, June 26, 2009

It's that time!

It's that time of year! Check those mail boxes, because your long awaited bill for fall 2009 should be arriving shortly! Here at the Unofficial pray that you will be able to meet all the financial deadlines and that you will be able to return this fall blessed! It's hard out there, I know, but remember God is faithful and if you are to return He will provide a way!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Got some free time?

So, you are off from your summer job for the day (or you are at your summer job perusing the net) and you are looking to kill a few minuets. Head on over to here you will find hundreds of free flash games to test your knowledge, improve your reaction time, or just see how far you can shoot a cat out of a cannon*. Addicting games is just one way to get ride of some of that pesky free time that is adding up in your day!

*The unoffical LBC Blog dosen't condone violence against real cats. But fake ones are ok...right?