I have wanted for sometime now, to have others do some writing for the blog. I also, am a big fan of stirring things up and getting people to question things. This post will most certainly do both. Without further adieu a post from Ricky...enjoy!

Worship, Women and LBC
There was a lot of talk about worship today after chapel. Rev. Hollingsworth’s “sermon” seemed to lead many to think. I know I thought about it today. I spent the better half of the day thinking about it actually. Thinking about women and their roles, how we worship, why we worship and how we could do it better. These are a few things that came to mind while meditating on our chapel today.
I do not like modern worship. I do not believe it attracts people to the church in fact I think it repels them. Watch a movie called saved where they make fun of it. Better yet the episode of south park (I am not a fan of south park I did a project on this episode) where they make fun of how the characters become Christian music singers because they couldn’t make it in the real music industry. Those who are not of us do not like our music and if you think they do you are sadly mistaken. They use it to mock us and make fun of it.
I think modern worship is nothing more than a distraction leading people away from truly worshiping Christ. For example when many people worship they use a light show. I have been told this sets a mood for worship. Honestly, this is nothing more than an unnecessary distraction. It causes people to focus their attention onto the lights instead of the object of our worship, God.
Another distraction is the worship leader himself, or after chapel today herself. Often times worship leaders treat worship as if it is a concert (and that whole song about worship being a concert for one is a crappy song). If we were to do away with worship leaders altogether then there really wouldn’t be any debate about women leading worship. This now leads me to a rabbit trail that I will take even though I probably should not take.
Men and women have different roles in creation. Men are expected to be the
leaders of their households, the church and creation itself. Women are to be in submission to men 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. It is the man's role and not the woman’s to lead worship and every other aspect of the church service. Now if you want to make this about the role of women in ministry don’t because it’s about worship. We can talk about the woman’s role another day. Now its time to go back to the topic of worship.
Modern worship is not only a distraction but I find it irreverent to God. We sing songs about how God is so close to us. Songs that sound like you are in a dating relationship with God. What happened to the songs that talked about his justice, his sovereignty, grace, wrath and mercy? Today we sing about how we want to feel him close to us.
I remember a story a good friend of mine told me about his brother at Liberty. He said there was this girl who would go down to the front of the chapel at Liberty and dance around while running her fingers through her hair. When he asked her why she did this she said this “when I am down there like that it is like I am having sex with God.” Now of course this is an extreme example however, I feel that is the mentality modern worship leads to. It is just to touchy feely.
Another huge issue I have with worship is that it all culminates with the sermon. In modern worship the purpose is to lead up to the sermon. Today the sermon is the highlight of the worship service and this should not be. It is my belief that every time we worship God we should end with communion and not with the sermon. Communion should be the culmination of the worship service. Communion is how we memorialize what Christ has done for us and that should be done weekly and should be the final step in the worship service. Christ’s death and resurrection should be the focal point of the worship service not the sermon, not the music and most certainly not the offering.
I apologize if these thoughts offended anyone. This was not my intention at all. I only want us to stop and think about the things we do. To consider is what we are doing is truly the right way. Or if we are only self righteous and hypocritical. If you disagree with me on these points that is fine and your questions, comments and concerns are more than welcome.
The bottom line is this. Worship is a heart thing and I am not entirely sure that modern worship leads the heart in the right place. I think it has caused nothing but division and strife. I think it is a distraction and irreverent to God. We need to look at these things openly and honestly and seriously make some changes because after today’s chapel it is clear we do not have it figured out.
I do not like modern worship. I do not believe it attracts people to the church in fact I think it repels them. Watch a movie called saved where they make fun of it. Better yet the episode of south park (I am not a fan of south park I did a project on this episode) where they make fun of how the characters become Christian music singers because they couldn’t make it in the real music industry. Those who are not of us do not like our music and if you think they do you are sadly mistaken. They use it to mock us and make fun of it.
I think modern worship is nothing more than a distraction leading people away from truly worshiping Christ. For example when many people worship they use a light show. I have been told this sets a mood for worship. Honestly, this is nothing more than an unnecessary distraction. It causes people to focus their attention onto the lights instead of the object of our worship, God.
Another distraction is the worship leader himself, or after chapel today herself. Often times worship leaders treat worship as if it is a concert (and that whole song about worship being a concert for one is a crappy song). If we were to do away with worship leaders altogether then there really wouldn’t be any debate about women leading worship. This now leads me to a rabbit trail that I will take even though I probably should not take.
Men and women have different roles in creation. Men are expected to be the
leaders of their households, the church and creation itself. Women are to be in submission to men 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. It is the man's role and not the woman’s to lead worship and every other aspect of the church service. Now if you want to make this about the role of women in ministry don’t because it’s about worship. We can talk about the woman’s role another day. Now its time to go back to the topic of worship.
Modern worship is not only a distraction but I find it irreverent to God. We sing songs about how God is so close to us. Songs that sound like you are in a dating relationship with God. What happened to the songs that talked about his justice, his sovereignty, grace, wrath and mercy? Today we sing about how we want to feel him close to us.
I remember a story a good friend of mine told me about his brother at Liberty. He said there was this girl who would go down to the front of the chapel at Liberty and dance around while running her fingers through her hair. When he asked her why she did this she said this “when I am down there like that it is like I am having sex with God.” Now of course this is an extreme example however, I feel that is the mentality modern worship leads to. It is just to touchy feely.
Another huge issue I have with worship is that it all culminates with the sermon. In modern worship the purpose is to lead up to the sermon. Today the sermon is the highlight of the worship service and this should not be. It is my belief that every time we worship God we should end with communion and not with the sermon. Communion should be the culmination of the worship service. Communion is how we memorialize what Christ has done for us and that should be done weekly and should be the final step in the worship service. Christ’s death and resurrection should be the focal point of the worship service not the sermon, not the music and most certainly not the offering.
I apologize if these thoughts offended anyone. This was not my intention at all. I only want us to stop and think about the things we do. To consider is what we are doing is truly the right way. Or if we are only self righteous and hypocritical. If you disagree with me on these points that is fine and your questions, comments and concerns are more than welcome.
The bottom line is this. Worship is a heart thing and I am not entirely sure that modern worship leads the heart in the right place. I think it has caused nothing but division and strife. I think it is a distraction and irreverent to God. We need to look at these things openly and honestly and seriously make some changes because after today’s chapel it is clear we do not have it figured out.
It is just to touchy feely.
ReplyDeleteRicky makes a fairly decent point about the girl who says she feels like she is "having sex with God", however dont we want a God who touches our lives, and a God that we can feel in our lives? Perhaps that is not the Calvanistic veiw of God, I am not certain. All I do know is that I want a God who I can feel and touch.
Thanks for the reply. I would agree that as Christians we want to have open communication with God. My question is if we don't feel or touch God in our lives does that mean He doesn't exist? What about those that have claimed to hear the voice of God, for those who haven't heard, are they not "real" Christians?
ReplyDeleteMight i suggest that we not base our depth of knowledge and relationship of God on purely our senses. Thus discounting faith and taking the work God does in our lives out of the equation.
Higgins you are completely correct in your assesment. Our faith has little to do with feelings it has more to do with objective truth. Jesus is Lord, he died on the cross, and God raised him on the third day. If we say that our faith is based on feelings then we will do what ever we feel.
ReplyDeleteYou say that you want a God who you can feel and touch. What does that even mean? I am guessing you are looking for an experience based faith. Like Higgins said this is problematic because as soon as you stop "feeling" God what are you supposed to do?
Besides non of this has anyhting to do with my post. It is clear that you didn't read it.
Ricky L. McCarl
Oh well at least you read the part about the girl who thought she was having sex with God