So, after much thought I have decided to retire the Unofficial Lancaster Bible College Blog. I know, I know…but it will be ok…I promise. There are many reasons why I have decided to stop, and I hope that I will be able to explain some of those reasons to your liking.
First of all, I just stopped caring. I mean I should be honest. This blog never really took the direction that I thought it would. I was hoping that this blog would be an extension of the school newspaper…and well…that fell apart…and so I suppose the blog is following in it’s footsteps.
Secondly I have been recently become more cynical to the lives of LBC students. I hate to be so harsh…but seriously…we need to grow up. This is not directed at anyone in particular but stop wasting your education,your money, and your life. God has placed you at LBC for a reason and I challenge you to find that purpose…above all else! Let your own personal agenda take a back seat to the vision that God has for your life. College is a time for you to experience the fullness of that vision. Love others the way that Christ so sacrificially loved you. When that happens nothing else will matter.
I am honestly tired of the petty “problems” that people complain about here, and…oh man…hold me back from talking about people getting engaged and married too soon…oh…don’t even get me started.
Please don’t think that I am in anyway upset, or angry. I mean this in all honesty. I have made the most amazing friends at LBC. I don’t even know how my life would be if it wasn’t for the people I have met at LBC. The professors are also right up there, I have many friends here and know that I am very blessed to be apart of LBC.
That being said, that is the last post from the blog. Be blessed.
Too bad that you decided to end this blog as this can be a good resource for student for are studying online bible college.