Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rumor Control #2

Oh me, Oh my! It's another installment of Rumor Control. Let's just get right to it shall we? I think we all can sense it, that elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about, so, instead we talk around it. That is why I decided to write up something about rumors. Expose the ones that need to be exposed and squash the ones that, well, need squashed.

So, over the past week or so I have been gathering information on a potentially hazardous rumor on campus. I imagine that everyone knows about it or at least thinks they do, so I decided to ask around. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just sit around a table at lunch, dinner, or listen in on anyone's conversation because it's a big topic of conversation right now and yes, it concerns your safety.

I spoke with a representative (name withheld) from Campus Safety, who offered this quote, "Everything is under control". CS is working with certain protective services to ensure our safety.

Here is the deal; they are not being forthright with details, which I completely understand. There is a sense that they do not want to cause panic and I respect that. There are two things that you do need to know. 1. There was no threat made. 2. There are things in place to make certain you are safe.

This is the problem, rumors and they need to stop. I understand that students are outraged by not being told the entire truth. I understand that you might even me afraid, but spreading rumors isn't going to help things out. We need to remember that, while we weren't completely told the truth we don't need to make up our own version of the truth. One student was quoted as saying, "Rumors would stop if we were told all the truth".

My advice is this; if you have questions, ask them. There is nothing wrong with asking, and if you don’t get the answer you want, continue to ask, because you won’t get to the bottom of rumors if you just continue the cycle of spreading more rumors.

I want to end this post by asking a few questions. Should we be told everything? Is this continued silence good for us? Should we question authority? I cannot answer those questions for you. But know this, God has not given us a spirit of fear. Trust in God in all situations. Can we change our future, or are we merely just here for the ride?


Matthew 10:28

Please understand and respect the tone in which this was written. This was not meant to upset anyone, anger anyone, or get anyone in trouble. It was written to help.

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