Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh wow!

So I thought this was worth posting...

LBC's very own Bob McMichael

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Friday, December 11, 2009

This is the end...for now

Holy Cow! That’s it! The semester is done. Where the heck did it all go? The daily chapels, the mountains of homework, the bonus bites at lunch…they’re all gone! I don’t know about you, but I’m so glad it’s over. This semester has been…I honestly don’t know. I’ve found myself crawling ever closer to the day where I will no longer be at LBC…and moving on to grad school (yes I know I will always be in school!).

And, while I could sit here and bore you with tales of my experiences this semester I figured I would interview a real LBC student and get their take on the semester. I was able to “sit” down with someone who was just ending their first semester here at LBC. Just so you know, sit down means the interview was done over facebook chat…oh technology how lazy you have made us, but I digress.

Transferring into LBC as a sophomore from New Tribes Bible Institute in Jackson MI, Leah Yarnell is a student new to the LBC scene. As the end of the semester comes to a close I asked her what her impression of LBC was thus far. Her response, not surprisingly was this, “LBC is a great place to learn and grow. There are great people who can help you to grow in your relationship with the Lord and also to model what that relationship looks like.” However, Leah is looking forward to getting home for Christmas, as this will be the first time in two years that her parents (missionaries to Papa New Guinea), will be home. Leah is planning on returning next semester to LBC and working on classes for her major in the Women in ministry program.

I feel that no matter what our individual perceptions of the semester might be I couldn’t agree with Leah more. LBC is filled with great people who are willing to help us out along the way. As in my previous semester I’ve grown much closer to my friends. The events in our lives cause us to rely on accountability with each other as well as the growing dependence of Christ in all situations.

Enjoy the Christmas season weather it is with family or friends remember the true reason why we celebrate! This will be the last blog here for a while but be assured I will return next semester in full force!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009


As I sit here, in my living room lights down low, with a candle burning on the coffee table listening to The Swell Season, I’m reminded of all the things that I have to be thankful for. So, I have decided to make a list in particular order.

My childhood – I’m grateful that my parents made the decision in impart certain things into my life as a child. Despite the mistakes I’ve made, those things have made me who I am today.

My friends – I seriously don’t think I could have made it through this year without all the guys from Bru. You have been there during my worst days and have been there to make memories with me that will I never forget (Almost getting arrested because of a Moose, almost getting in fights at the movie theatre, God Squad, Attack of the Easter Bunny, Barn Parties, the list could go for days). I have been truly blessed with the best of friends. There were even a few people outside of Bru, which have made an impact as well. Needless to say I’m thankful for you all.

My family – My family has always had one rule; do what you want. Don’t worry about what other people are going to say, do what makes sense to you. More specifically do what God wants you to do. Also, be a team player. My mom always compared our family to a basketball team, if one player wasn’t helping out the entire team would fail.

My school – I have been given an amazing opportunity, to study, to grow, and to figure out what I believe. LBC has given me a chance to do that, and has introduced me to many great professors who care about me more than my grades. I’ve never felt like just a number.

I look back in my life and can see that I have a lot of things to be thankful for. I see things as a scale, with the amazing things on one side and the…well not so amazing things on the other. Thankfully, the good has outweighed the bad.

So what are you thankful for?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Something to think about

I have wanted for sometime now, to have others do some writing for the blog. I also, am a big fan of stirring things up and getting people to question things. This post will most certainly do both. Without further adieu a post from Ricky...enjoy!

Worship, Women and LBC
There was a lot of talk about worship today after chapel. Rev. Hollingsworth’s “sermon” seemed to lead many to think. I know I thought about it today. I spent the better half of the day thinking about it actually. Thinking about women and their roles, how we worship, why we worship and how we could do it better. These are a few things that came to mind while meditating on our chapel today.

I do not like modern worship. I do not believe it attracts people to the church in fact I think it repels them. Watch a movie called saved where they make fun of it. Better yet the episode of south park (I am not a fan of south park I did a project on this episode) where they make fun of how the characters become Christian music singers because they couldn’t make it in the real music industry. Those who are not of us do not like our music and if you think they do you are sadly mistaken. They use it to mock us and make fun of it.

I think modern worship is nothing more than a distraction leading people away from truly worshiping Christ. For example when many people worship they use a light show. I have been told this sets a mood for worship. Honestly, this is nothing more than an unnecessary distraction. It causes people to focus their attention onto the lights instead of the object of our worship, God.

Another distraction is the worship leader himself, or after chapel today herself. Often times worship leaders treat worship as if it is a concert (and that whole song about worship being a concert for one is a crappy song). If we were to do away with worship leaders altogether then there really wouldn’t be any debate about women leading worship. This now leads me to a rabbit trail that I will take even though I probably should not take.

Men and women have different roles in creation. Men are expected to be the
leaders of their households, the church and creation itself. Women are to be in submission to men 1 Corinthians 11:2-16. It is the man's role and not the woman’s to lead worship and every other aspect of the church service. Now if you want to make this about the role of women in ministry don’t because it’s about worship. We can talk about the woman’s role another day. Now its time to go back to the topic of worship.

Modern worship is not only a distraction but I find it irreverent to God. We sing songs about how God is so close to us. Songs that sound like you are in a dating relationship with God. What happened to the songs that talked about his justice, his sovereignty, grace, wrath and mercy? Today we sing about how we want to feel him close to us.

I remember a story a good friend of mine told me about his brother at Liberty. He said there was this girl who would go down to the front of the chapel at Liberty and dance around while running her fingers through her hair. When he asked her why she did this she said this “when I am down there like that it is like I am having sex with God.” Now of course this is an extreme example however, I feel that is the mentality modern worship leads to. It is just to touchy feely.

Another huge issue I have with worship is that it all culminates with the sermon. In modern worship the purpose is to lead up to the sermon. Today the sermon is the highlight of the worship service and this should not be. It is my belief that every time we worship God we should end with communion and not with the sermon. Communion should be the culmination of the worship service. Communion is how we memorialize what Christ has done for us and that should be done weekly and should be the final step in the worship service. Christ’s death and resurrection should be the focal point of the worship service not the sermon, not the music and most certainly not the offering.

I apologize if these thoughts offended anyone. This was not my intention at all. I only want us to stop and think about the things we do. To consider is what we are doing is truly the right way. Or if we are only self righteous and hypocritical. If you disagree with me on these points that is fine and your questions, comments and concerns are more than welcome.

The bottom line is this. Worship is a heart thing and I am not entirely sure that modern worship leads the heart in the right place. I think it has caused nothing but division and strife. I think it is a distraction and irreverent to God. We need to look at these things openly and honestly and seriously make some changes because after today’s chapel it is clear we do not have it figured out.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Music you should be listening to

Every once in a while I come across some music that I feel is worthy of many people listening to. One such band I started listening to, and then everyone else followed suite was Ocean you're welcome. Now there is a new band that I can't stop listening to, Deas Vail (which is a combination of Latin and French meaning Humble servants of God).

I want you to close your eyes and imagine this band. Take 1 part Mae, 1 part Copeland, 1 part Mew (danish band I highly suggest listening to them!) The vocals in the band are incredible. The lead singer Wes Blaylocok's voice so melodic and smooth. When combined with the melodies of his wife (met her at the Chameleon Club very cool person) Laura, blend together so amazingly that you will be listening to this cd all day!

The band hails from Arkansas on the Mono vs Stereo label. They currently have four albums out and one EP. Their newest album came out (online only) on October 27th 2009, titled Birds and Cages. They are currently on tour with Mae.

"Anything You Say" from All the Houses Look the Same (Youtube link)

"Write me down, I am the words: falling apart. Take this broken world off of my heart. So I stumble down into the room where the templates are made. And you show me that somehow I can change these days."

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Coming soon!

I promise there is an update coming soon! There have been many factors beyond my control as to why I haven't been able to update. Here are a few reasons:

1. I've been working a lot (at my job not just school work)
2. The school year is definitely picking up (work load is increasing)
3. I've been sick (I was sick for a couple weeks so I didn't feel like writing)

In my next update I will doing a cd review on a couple cd's that you seriously need to own! So, until then, I pray that your semester is going well and to those who are not feeling well, get healthy please, being sick sucks! 

Oh! And I almost forgot, congrats to the men's soccer team for winning game one of their play offs!   


Monday, October 12, 2009

A Message From Your Friendly Neighborhood Writing Center

Here on the blog from time to time I get the question, "Hey, can I post something?" Which usually leads to me laughing hysterically...but seriously, this blog is meant for students and as such students write it. One such message that has come my way (and might be a ploy to get me to make an appointment) was from the writing center. And without further adieu, a message from your friendly neighborhood writing center:

Essay. Such an innocent word, but oh such dire implications. In some cases, the word “essay” can be synonymous with “40% of my grade.” Not so innocent anymore. Sometimes it can mean “a Big-Gulp of coffee coupled with 17 hours of my life.” And sometimes, it can mean “doomed… utterly and totally doomed.”
Let’s face it. Essays are a critical medium through which professors evaluate our knowledge. But what if you are simply not a great writer? What if you have all these great ideas in your head, but as soon as they touch the paper they recoil as if you just dipped them in boiling water? Or maybe you get your paper back and there are so many red marks on it that it looks like the professor had a nose bleed right over the page. Or maybe you’ve got this assignment sheet in your hand, and all you can do is sit and stare at the computer screen praying for rapture. What do you do?
Unlike many of the problems mankind has managed to dig itself into, the solution to this catastrophe is quite simple. You go to the LBC Writing Center, located above the library. There, you will find students who can offer help in any stage of the writing process, whether it’s brainstorming for ideas, organizing the paper, utilizing proper grammatical conventions, or formatting/citing MLA style. Even accomplished writers can benefit from a session in the writing center. A second pair of eyes and an outside perspective can be valuable tools in the writing process.
To make an appointment, go to your student homepage (you can access this by clicking “students” on; Scroll down until the “writing center” box appears on the right hand side. Click the link to navigate to the online scheduler. Be sure to register if it is your first visit, and follow the instructions to log-in and schedule. Make sure you schedule your session for one hour (otherwise it won’t work). When you show up to your appointment, be sure to bring your assignment sheet and two copies of your paper.
While essay still might mean “a crapload of work,” the image of the gates of hell itself no longer has to be the first thing that pops into your mind. But don’t take my word for it; schedule an appointment, and find out for yourself.

Thanks to Sarah Anderson for this write up!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Sorry for the hiatus. I am working on some new things for the blog and the are taking up the time that I would be using to write. In other words, I've got a ton of homework and haven't had much time to update. So, I apologize for not having something to new to read.

Anyway, what is going on in your LBC life? How are classes? What is going on? I hear a lot of things around campus, and would love to see some people do so write ups for the blog. It's always good to have some different perspectives (as well as maybe some proper comma usage). So, if you know anyone who fancies themselves a writer send them my way.

Again sorry for the long break in blogs, I pray that your semester is going and that you continue to see God's hand in all you do!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

How Can I Help With Preview Day? (Answers Included!)

What was Preview Day at LBC like for you? Where you concerned about getting lost? Did you think, “Man, I’m never going to meet anyone.”? Chances are, you felt a little overwhelmed, but there was one thing that we all had in common with preview day, you were greeted by the warm smiling face of a current LBC student. And you know what, it felt good didn’t it?

Well, now is your chance to be that welcoming face to a prospective student. “But how can I help out”, you might be asking yourself? Well, I’m glad that you asked! There are many ways to get involved, whether it's just to stop and say hello, sit with someone at lunch, or talk to prospective students in their class. You can also get involved in the day as a tour guide or host a student overnight. Either way, there are many things you can do that just take a few minutes that could leave a lasting impression on a prospective student.

Remember, someone was there on your first day, why not be there for someone on theirs?

Preview Day is October 2nd, if you would like to get involved please contact Scott Boyer in the admission office at, you can also direct any friends that are interested in coming for a visit to

Thank you in advance for your support!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Day of Prayer

How did you spend your day in prayer?

*I got an email about not being able to leave comments, hopefully it's fixed now :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Setting the record straight!

Please check your student email concerning my previous post. It should answer all your questions! Thanks need to go to Josh Beers!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rumor Control #2

Oh me, Oh my! It's another installment of Rumor Control. Let's just get right to it shall we? I think we all can sense it, that elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about, so, instead we talk around it. That is why I decided to write up something about rumors. Expose the ones that need to be exposed and squash the ones that, well, need squashed.

So, over the past week or so I have been gathering information on a potentially hazardous rumor on campus. I imagine that everyone knows about it or at least thinks they do, so I decided to ask around. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just sit around a table at lunch, dinner, or listen in on anyone's conversation because it's a big topic of conversation right now and yes, it concerns your safety.

I spoke with a representative (name withheld) from Campus Safety, who offered this quote, "Everything is under control". CS is working with certain protective services to ensure our safety.

Here is the deal; they are not being forthright with details, which I completely understand. There is a sense that they do not want to cause panic and I respect that. There are two things that you do need to know. 1. There was no threat made. 2. There are things in place to make certain you are safe.

This is the problem, rumors and they need to stop. I understand that students are outraged by not being told the entire truth. I understand that you might even me afraid, but spreading rumors isn't going to help things out. We need to remember that, while we weren't completely told the truth we don't need to make up our own version of the truth. One student was quoted as saying, "Rumors would stop if we were told all the truth".

My advice is this; if you have questions, ask them. There is nothing wrong with asking, and if you don’t get the answer you want, continue to ask, because you won’t get to the bottom of rumors if you just continue the cycle of spreading more rumors.

I want to end this post by asking a few questions. Should we be told everything? Is this continued silence good for us? Should we question authority? I cannot answer those questions for you. But know this, God has not given us a spirit of fear. Trust in God in all situations. Can we change our future, or are we merely just here for the ride?


Matthew 10:28

Please understand and respect the tone in which this was written. This was not meant to upset anyone, anger anyone, or get anyone in trouble. It was written to help.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Things About God

I recently became aware of Billy Corgan's new blog. Billy Corgan for those of you who might not know was/is the lead singer of the extremely amazing band The Smashing Pumpkins. The band broke up in 2000 and has since reformed in March of this year, with new members. (Billy is still the lead singer). The pumpkins first album came out in 1991 and the band quickly began to gain popularity. Throughout the years Billy Corgan, had denied religion and the concept of God. I don't want to clam that he is now a believer because after all that is not something that I am even worthy of judging. All I can go on is what he has been writing in a new blog he started online. I find it very thought provoking and extremely interesting. Here is just some of what he has to say. I highly recommend going to his site and reading what he has to say.

Everyday People

"It should be an easy choice to decide that you want a life of inner
integrity, but we all know the world around us is designed to strip us
of the fidelity of our personal convictions only to replace them with
something more manufactured (and thus more profitable via someone
else’s false god). There is God, and then there are gods, idols along
the way that may convince us that the One God can be replaced by a
lesser thought. To me, when I say One God, I mean One Truth, One Love, One Destination."

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I have been getting feedback from some students and faculty that are reading this. So, if you see me around campus stop me and talk! I would love to hear from anyone who might be following this. I would love to hear some ideas about future posts and things of that nature. After all, I started this to write about things that are of interest to LBC students. So, like I said, stop me say hi, and let me know what you think.

Also, feel free to share this blog with your roommate, teacher, pets, or anyone who might be interested in keeping up with what is going on with campus life!

Thanks so much to everyone who is following!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Message for Your Friendly Neighborhood Registrar

TODAY is the last day to add & drop classes to your Fall 2009 schedule! After today, if you drop a class, it will be considered a withdrawal.

The withdrawal period runs September 9 - October 26, 2009. There will be no adding classes afer today! If you need to add/drop a class, please see Upper Esbenshade's front desk attendant for the form, which needs to be signed by your academic advisor to process by the Registrar's Office. There is a $15 charge per form.

Now that the business is out of the way I trust that you all had a great extended weekend and that you are well rested for this week and all it is going to bring!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Shock and Awe

So, at this point most of us have been to all our classes and are now recovering from the greatest of all college students fears, syllabus shock. You've looked over your schedule and all that needs to be done in the coming months and wondering how you are going to fit a job and personal time in there. I can hear it now, "But Higgins how am I going to have time to play halo (or farmville) for hours on end" Well, let me tell you from experience that it will work out!

There are a few things that you can do to ease the shock. First of all, you can head over to the rap center. By the front door of their office they have many tools that you may use (for free!) to help you budget your time. I find that the giant calendar they have to be pretty helpful. It's great for laying out your class schedule and give you a chance to see when things are due, as well as, when you will have free time. Secondly, use the rap center when you are having trouble with your work, that is why they are there. Also, going to your professor right after class and asking for help will definitely make things easier. I can promise you that they will not turn you away and they will be more than willing to help. LBC has some great professors and they are all here to help you.

Finally, get something to drink at Hollies. Sit down, grab a mocha latte and relax. This semester is not going to kill you. Trust me, I've made it through enough of them to know. Remember there is no class on Monday, so enjoy the long weekend and some down time, but also use your time to get some work done in advance.

Just remember, God has created an entire universe for you, don't spend it locked up in your dorm room!  

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Its here!

Tomorrow is the day! Please make sure you know what time to show up! Here are time times again:

9:30-10:00am - Seniors
10:00-10:30am - Juniors
10:30-11:00am - Sophomores
11:00-11:30am - New Students (freshman/re-admit/transfer)

If you arrive after 12:00pm There will be a late registration fee of $50 (if you do not contact the Registrar's Office in advance 717-569-7071).

Let the good times begin!

Monday, August 24, 2009

One week

So here it is, it is one week till our summer break officially comes to an end. You are about to find out how your semester is going to turn out. It's time to pack everything you own (or can fit into your car) and cram it into your new room. This semester is going to bring many changes. There are new rules, new staff members, new renovations, and most importantly new students. LBC will soon be welcoming it's new freshman class within the next few days! I say, let's try to make them feel at home just like the previous students have done for us. College is a new exciting experience and is going to be a big change for a few hundred people. For some, this might be the first time they will be away from their parents for an extended period of time. For others this will be a welcome change, and well for the rest of us, it will be another semester of learning under our belts. Either way, I pray that we will all take something from this semester, good or bad, because in both situations God will teach us something very important. Trust in Him and let Him guide your steps this semester.

Now on to business. The following is the schedule of times when you need to show up for registration:

9:30-10:00am - Seniors
10:00-10:30am - Juniors
10:30-11:00am - Sophomores
11:00-11:30am - New Students (freshman/re-admit/transfer)

If you arrive after 12:00pm There will be a late registration fee of $50 (if you do not contact the Registrar's Office in advance 717-569-7071). So, Please get here on time! You don't want to be paying fee's this early, you are going to need that money when you over skip chapel!

There is more information contained in the letter from the school that you should find in your mail box. You can always talk to student services if you have more questions. After all, that's why they are there!

Enjoy your last week! 

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Rumor Control

Every year things change around LBC. Yesterday's post is proof of that. Miller hall is changing, that's a fact. There are also rumors circulating that there are some rule changes in the works for the upcoming semester. Here at the ULBC blog we try to only report on things we know to be fact. And while it hasn't been confirmed as of this post there has been a lot of talk (on facebook) about a certain dress code being changed.An unnamed source at LBC confirmed this, "I saw something on facebook about it, but I haven't heard anything (official)." So, until I do some more digging we will label this whole "Watergate" "Jeangate" as a rumor.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Under construction!

It's already started! If you don't read your emails from the school then might have missed some cool information. Miller Hall is undergoing a bit of an upgrade and will soon have a new look and new features for students. Below are a couple pics from the construction.

Here you see half a man hanging out of the ceiling

Here is a view of inside the mail room.

If you become a fan of the facebook group, you can get updates when you have a package in the mail room...or as it will now be called The Stop.

(Thanks Micah!)

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Year Ago

It’s fun to look back and see where life has taken us. Over the years I stop and gather myself, and focus on what I have been doing in and with my life. As I sit here though, I can’t help but wish that I was back where I was a year ago. It’s hard to be content at times and during these summer breaks where, I find myself with more free time (because of the lack of classes) and it gives me time to reminisce.

Contentment is defined as: a circumstance, or a feature or characteristic of something, which gives rise to satisfaction. I rather like the way Greek Philosopher Epicurus put it “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”

This was my year ago:

My year ago was waiting for parents to pick up their children after school. My year ago was spent in Japan working, playing, and growing. That was what I once had. I have had many of those situations in the past year. It’s hard, sitting here knowing that if things were different certain circumstances would be different. But, we have to find contentment in our current situation. We have to accept that God has us in the place we are right now for a reason, and honestly it's for the better. Yeah, I would love to be done with my undergraduate classes and working on my Masters of Education in Japan, teaching, and living where I want. But right now, I’m here, at LBC living in Lancaster.

So what is your “year ago”?

Friday, June 26, 2009

It's that time!

It's that time of year! Check those mail boxes, because your long awaited bill for fall 2009 should be arriving shortly! Here at the Unofficial pray that you will be able to meet all the financial deadlines and that you will be able to return this fall blessed! It's hard out there, I know, but remember God is faithful and if you are to return He will provide a way!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Got some free time?

So, you are off from your summer job for the day (or you are at your summer job perusing the net) and you are looking to kill a few minuets. Head on over to here you will find hundreds of free flash games to test your knowledge, improve your reaction time, or just see how far you can shoot a cat out of a cannon*. Addicting games is just one way to get ride of some of that pesky free time that is adding up in your day!

*The unoffical LBC Blog dosen't condone violence against real cats. But fake ones are ok...right?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ain't no cure for the summer time blues...

Summer boredom got you down? Already tired of that summer job your parents forced you to get? What is a college student to do? Well yahoo has you covered. Head over to yahoo's summer movie guide page there you will find information on all the top movies coming out this summer, as well as tons of clips and photos to get your movie adrenaline pumping. Feel free to comment on what you have seen already or recommend a film that you really loved.

As for me I've only seen two movies this summer, but I would recommended them both. Ghost's of Girlfriends Past, and X-Men Origins:Wolverine. Next on the list I think will be Angels & Demons, Star Trek, and possibly Terminator Salvation.

Enjoy your break!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The First

Welcome to the first post from the Unofficial Lancaster Bible College Blog. This blog is for students and will be updated by students. The intent of this blog is to keep you updated on events that are going on around campus. As well as keeping you informed with the functions of LBC. Please feel free to comment and share ideas for stories or anything else you think is worth sharing with students. My hope is that along with the school newspaper (The Squawk Box) that you will become better informed about what is going on at LBC.