Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mission Conference Week

Why do we do missions? Is it so we can live in a cool different country? Is it so we can experience cool new things? Or is it because we can’t bear to see the world around us god to hell?

That is a question that we should all ask ourselves. Our compassion for humanity should be so great that we are willing to sacrifice everything.

Today was very humbling for me. It also made me remember why I want to do what I feel God has called me to do.

As I sat on a train headed for a town in the hills of Japan I was struck with something. The people that surrounded me were not believers, was I ok with their eternal destiny? Could I just ride this train and not be changed? Could just let these people go without hearing about God?

What we learn as children makes us who we are. I was raised into a Christian home and believed that all I had to do was go to church and everything would be fine. My lifestyle was my choice and God would be in heaven waiting for me when I died. Since I didn’t kill anyone or do anything terrible I would be ok. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized that Christianity is so much more than saying some prayers, going to a building on Sunday, and hoping that I lived a good life. God wants so much more than that.

How can I then sit here and not do anything with the gift I have been given? How can I sit here while the world is told a lie?

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